Vox Populi, ¿Vox Dei?: A crossroad in the soul

A referendum (also known as ballot question) is a direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal. That means a referendum is a demonstration of popular will; in Colombia, reelection of current president is supported by 5 millions signatures, enough to propose to Congress and other institutions (Constitutional Court, for example) the realization of plebiscite for expressing people will to keep Uribe at Nariño's House. An argument to substantiate this process is the Roman maxim "Vox populi, vox Dei", but if we accept argument whole, we could also be designing the popular dictatorship, the authoritarianism of masses. It destroys democracy and is more dangerous than a strong man dictatorship. In this regard we go back and development will hinder.
That's why I will sitck to call of several international media demanding that Uribe doesn't become president for third consecutive time, that he voluntarily allow renewal comes to rule and so that History recognizes him his achievements and transformations for welfare of all colombians, as well as his mistakes. If Uribe insists advancing his re-election campaign, tacitly insists on subjecting the country into political uncertainty that impacts the social and economic issues; this will erase his successes and he will be equating somber leaders, Chavez for example. And I believe Colombia is not Venezuela, no yet at least. This is the crossroad in the soul.